About Jordan D.
This is my story.
This is my story.
A musician friend of mine recently asked me to clarify what it is exactly that I do. I’ve had to do this more times than I can remember, but I think I really nailed it on this one.
My explanation went a little something like this:
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Pretend you run a record label, ok?
I can design the artwork for the packaging for every band on your label. I can also design the quarterly, artbook-sized catalog/magazine that you publish. Spec the paper and everything.
Now you need a way for customers to purchase those records and subscribe to that fancypants “cata-zine”. No problem! I can design and build a killer website with a commerce component for you.
Then you need to promote the records’ releases and drive traffic to the website, right? Cool, I’ll come up with rad campaigns for all of ’em (print and digital). I’ll even write the copy. If you can’t tell by now, I’m pretty good with word stuff too. I’ll also edit and animate all the music videos and social media reels.
If you ask real nice, I might even design and build you some sexy-ass furniture and shelving for your recording studio/record store.
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Brass Tacks: I’ve been doing what I do for a long time and I’m very good at it.
I’m a passionate and versatile craftsperson and my work speaks loudly to that fact. I can adapt my skillset to any given project, whether it’s the jacket art for a punk band’s triple-LP (I see you, The Clash’s fourth album), a promotional video for lockdown drill management software, or a Spanish-language learning website that uses student-made children’s books as the learning vehicle (an actual project!).
I design for what the client needs and their satisfaction is my paramount goal.
If you need a multi-faceted designer for your project, whether digital or tactile, please feel free to reach out and I’ll be happy to discuss how I can help. Shasta!
– j